
Dance Activities

"Dance can help restore joy and stability in troubled lives and ease the tensions in schools that are disrupted by violence and bullying."
Dance education has important benefits for students’ social relationships, particularly among genders and age groups. Dance is a mix of art and exercise which connects the mind and body, and makes one sharper and stronger.Though dance had long been seen by parents only as a co-curricular addition something that the child stops learning or practicing in higher classes the spurt of dance movies and new age career options. There are various advantages of Danceal activities at school some of them are as follows:

  • Dance helps in maintaining your fitness.
  • Increase your body strength.
  • Student learn to improve their work.
  • Dance helps children to learn how to coordinate, team work etc.
  • It helps student to get relaxed.
  • Increase pattern recognition ability
  • It teaches descipline and also increase creative thinking.
  • Children become self-confidant.